▶公演関連情報 (17)

▶メディア情報 (6)

▶キャスト表 (11)








Dear Friends,

I was so looking forward to coming to Japan now, joining the opera ensemble of my hometown Munich, the Bayerische Staatsoper. But now I've to tell you that I will regrettably not be able to do the "Lohengrin" performances. You might suspect that I made this decision because of the difficult issues you have had to face in the last months. But the truth of the matter is that I need to have an operation. A node in my thoracic area has to be removed, and my physicians have advised me to have the surgery done as soon as possible. This will take place in early September after my appearance at the Jussi Björling Gala in Stockholm.

I am extremely sorry I must cancel my trip to Japan and thus disappoint many friends. From my previous appearances in Japan, I have the most lovely memories of the audience there as especially enthusiastic and knowledgeable, and I have always regarded the great affection lavished on me there as an exceptional honour. But health comes first. I therefore hope for the understanding of those of you who empathize with my situation, or who may even have been in a similar position themselves.

With warm regards,
Jonas Kaufmann

2011年8月28日 09:51 公演関連情報


トラックバックURL: http://www.nbs.or.jp/mt5/mt-tb.cgi/30
