Tannhäuser is a romantic opera in three acts written by Richard Wagner based on medieval history and legend. It talks about love and salvation. The title hero, Tannhäuser is torn between his love for the maidenly Elisabeth and the worldly-wise goddess Venus. Can they save him? Wagner's music draws you into a sensual whirlpool at one moment, but the next, it suddenly develops spiritual sublimation. In his grandiose music depicting the "nature of love", an eternal and universal theme, our own souls cannot escape from being shook.
Naturally, there are several productions that portrays its theme in various ways. Romeo Castellucci, is the creator of a new production which will be premiered in May 2017. Italian director Castellucci is fully trusted by Nikolaus Bachler, Intendant Bayerische Staatsoper, who calls him the "magician of stage design and directing". About his new production, Castellucci says "Tannhäuser is the man in crisis in the concept of love, which is the mirror and source of all musicians and artists. Therefore the scenery will be more spiritual so that you cannot specify the time or place." The exposure of magic tricks needs to be waited impatiently until its premiere.
Another reason that makes you impatient must undoubtedly be Kirill Petrenko's Japanese debut. He has already achieved overwhelming acclaim with his conducting of Wagner. He says he is thrilled to conduct the new production.
Last but not least, one of the world's leading Wagnerian tenors, Klaus Florian Vogt, will also join the new production to sing as Tannhäuser for the first time in his career.
The performances should be phenomenal that cannot be missed.
Landgraf Hermann: George Zeppenfeld
Tannhäuser: Klaus Florian Vogt
Photo: Harald Hoffmann
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Matthias Goerne
Photo: Marco Borggreve
Elisabeth: Annette Dasch
Photo: Daniel Pasche
Venus: Elena Pankratova
Photo: Vitaly Zapryagaev
*As of 8 February, 2017. Casting is subject to change.