Performing Arts Foundation would like to announce that there has been a change in
the program of the Hamburg Ballet's Japan tour scheduled in March 2021.
active and thorough discussion with Director and Chief Choreographer of the
Hamburg Ballet John Neumeier, we have come to the conclusion to stage his most
recent ballet, Ghost Light. Consequently, Bernstein Dances will
not be staged on the upcoming tour. We apologize to our valued audiences who
have been anticipating the original program but appreciate everyone's kind
understanding for the positive decision which reflects John Neumeier's fervent
wish to stage the most suitable programs for the audience in Japan under the
current circumstances; to include his new creation in the time of Corona.
most of the ballet companies across the world, the Hamburg Ballet was strongly
affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Company was one of the first to
return to its studio after the lockdown, and almost immediately, John Neumeier
developed the idea of creating a ballet observing and structured according to
social distancing. His concept involved all the dancers of his company. To
respect social distancing, he created separate parts of the work with small
groups of two to eight dancers. On September 6, the ballet, Ghost Light,
opened the Hamburg State Opera's 2020/21 season. In October, it was performed
at the Festspielhaus in Baden-Baden and received critical acclaim; "This is
Neumeier without decoration. His movement language has seldom been so clear,
soradical, so modern." (Die Welt, Manuel Brug, September 8, 2020). "Emotional
and intoxicating" (Badisches Tagblatte, Christiane Lenhardt, October
10, 2020)
Neumeier's thoughts corresponded to our belief that "the flame of art should
not be blown out", and thus we made the decision to present Ghost Light.
Please see below his message to the audiences in Japan that we have just
received. We hope you will enjoy the ballet created in the time of Corona, performed
by all the dancers of the Hamburg Ballet. Thank you for your continued support
and kind understanding.
Japan Performing Arts Foundation (NBS)
note that the tour information as of 4 November 2020 is subject to change especially
depending on the COVID-19 pandemic situation. For tour updates, please follow
our website or social media channels.
New Tour
Schedule (as of 4 November 2020)
Set, Lighting Concept and Costumes John Neumeier
Friday 12
March 2021, 18:30 @Tokyo Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo)
13 March 2021, 14:00 @Tokyo Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo)
Sunday 14
March 2021, 14:00 @Tokyo Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo)
Running Time
About 3 hours including an intermission
S: ¥24,000 A: ¥21,000 B: ¥18,000
C: ¥15,000 D: ¥12,000 E: ¥9,000
The World
of John Neumeier, gala
John Neumeier
Saturday 20
March 2021, 17:00 @Tokyo Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo)
Sunday 21
March 2021, 14:00 @Tokyo Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo)
Running Time
About 2 hours and 30 minutes including an intermission
S: ¥24,000 A: ¥21,000
B: ¥18,000 C: ¥15,000 D: ¥12,000
E: ¥9,000
A Ballet
in the Time of Corona by John Neumeier
Set, Lighting Concept and Costumes John Neumeier
17 March 2021, 19:00 @Tokyo Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo)
Time About 1 hour and 45 minutes. There will be no intermission.
S: ¥24,000 A: ¥21,000 B: ¥18,000
C: ¥15,000 D: ¥12,000 E: ¥9,000
A message
from John Neumeier
Since our
first guest appearance in Japan, it has always been my wish to present the
Hamburg Ballet as a vibrant, many faceted, classical - but at the same time
contemporary ensemble. The repertoire of each tour must give a current, new and
true choreographic picture of my company at the present moment, and be relevant
to both dancers and audience.
It is,
therefore, important for me to introduce the ballet "Ghost Light" during the
upcoming Japan tour. This ballet, dedicated to my dancers, is my most recent
portrait of the Hamburg Ballet. Performed by the entire company including all
principals and soloists, "Ghost Light" reflects our commitment and dedication
to preserving the flame of creation as a living ballet tradition during the
difficulties of the worldwide Corona pandemic.
response to the recent livestreaming of "Ghost Light" last October, I have
received many messages from fans around the world who were deeply moved by the
message of this ballet. I am sure that our Japanese audiences will also identify
with this work and recognize it in a true choreographic picture of our time.
"Ghost Light" documents the artist's perseverance and patience as well as it
highlights the importance and necessity of live performance on all stages of
the world!
by Japan Performing Arts Foundation, Nikkei Ink.